Friday, January 7, 2011

My amazing boys!

I know I've said this a million times, but I just LOVE these boys of mine! How did I get so lucky?!

Being sick and practically unfunctionable these past few weeks has been really tough, but having these two around helps me to always smile and laugh. Lucas is so sympathetic towards me and is always asking if I'm alright. I think I've made a mistake in allowing him to see me vomiting however, because on three different occasions I've caught him hunched over spitting on the living room floor. When I asked him what the heck he was doing he told me that he was sick too and that he needed to go ni-night. This kid is always cracking me up!

I was feeling awful this evening so Levi offered to run into the store and grab some more ginger ale and a pair of Sea-Band, natural acupuncture wrist bands for nausea (since I can't for the life of me find the pair I already own). We were waiting for Levi for what seemed like forever so I jokingly asked Lucas why his daddy was taking so long. I complained that I was sick and needed daddy to hurry and bring me some medicine soon. His response was absolutely priceless. He said "don't worry mommy, daddy will fix you!"

My husband has been an absolute godsend and I cannot imagine getting through these last few weeks without him. I feel like I have completely failed on my wifely duties, but he has sure picked up the slack better than I could have imagined. I honestly haven't made dinner in over two weeks and my house is a total disaster. There are even dishes in my sink...which NEVER happens! (The last time I allowed my home to look so messy was when I was pregnant with Lucas.) He has been diligently cooking and cleaning and helping with the most important job of all- caring for Lucas! That boy loves his daddy and they have spent lots of quality time together lately. His first 2-yr molar just popped through and as a result he woke up at 1, 3, and again at 5 in the morning. Guess who got up with him each time? Yep, my amazing hubby!

Every time I sit back and watch the two of them together it fills my heart with so much love and happiness. These boys are my entire world and I cannot imagine a life without them in it! I am one blessed mommy and wife!

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