Monday, February 14, 2011

Prenatal yoga!

I'm. In. Love. I have never tried a yoga class before now, and I really feel like I've been missing out on something great! A friend and I went to a prenatal yoga class this weekend and it was such an eye opening experience. Let me tell you though, I am SORE. I never knew that yoga was so intense, but I think that's what I liked about it. The atmosphere was beyond relaxing and it felt great to be in the presence of so many other expectant mothers. The stretches are all designed to help ease your body, mind, heart, hips and breathing for childbirth. The instructor was fantastic, the intensity levels were just right, and the mood I felt afterwards was nearly impossible to recreate. Yoga has just taken on a huge part of my life. I have never been more relaxed and calm...and I know that's exactly what my baby and I need!

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