Wednesday, May 30, 2012

9 Months!

My oh my, where has the time gone? Levin is now NINE months old and really turning into a little boy.  Sadly, I watch his babyness dwindle away a little more each day. It's not fair that they grow so darn fast, but I truly do love watching him develop. Words cannot describe how much I love this little soul.

He's into everything and always on the go!  We've had to bust out the baby gate to keep him secluded in the front of the house. If he makes his way to the kitchen he goes straight for the dog food, and he races to play in the toilet any time he can. He also tries to book it out the door as soon as it's opened. I had forgotten how diligent you have to be with a crawler. He's so determined and so so sneaky!

I was shocked to find out that he actually lost a pound during this last month, but also that he shot up a whole inch and a quarter. Levi made a comment that he seemed taller and boy was he right! I'm afraid these chunky legs are going to start thinning out soon with all his speed crawling and couch cruisin'. I love baby rolls...hopefully they stick around a while longer.

He is trying so hard to walk already, too!  He is a pro at cruising along the couch and I swear he's close to running along side it. He loves his little push walker also and is starting to "walk" all around the living room.

Levin loves to be outside just like his big brother! We've been going to a handful of parks lately since the weather has been so nice and it's wasn't a surprise to find out that he loves to swing. Who doesn't loved to be pushed?!

He's also a huge fan of the bike trailer. My heart about melted when I came home early from class one day and found Levi pulling the boys up and down the road. Both boys usually end up passing out after a short amount of time, but it's something that they both love. And it's definitely a workout!

We've been having our fair share of picnics these days. Levi built a fire pit out back and we had dinner outside recently. I was so impressed when he sat at this mini-picnic table to eat his snack. Food always gets his attention! Oh, and speaking of which...he now has TWO teeth! And he's been trying lots of fun new foods with his little chompers.

This is him doing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song with me and Lucas! His all-time favorite song though is "I'm a Little Teapot" and it's hilarious to watch him light up when I start singing. There have been a handful of occasion where I've sung other songs back to back and he shows little to no interest. As soon as I begin his favorite song, his expression changes and he starts dancing. It's adorable! He also has a singing toy he got from his Great Grandma Debbie on Easter that he dances with. He sways his arms and his body while singing "hop, hop." I really need to get it on video!


He spends most of his days terrorizing his big brother! I give it a few more months and they'll be full on wrestling. I'm amazed at how strong Levin is already.

His vocabulary is really starting to expand! He's made up his own word...."gog". It's our ongoing family joke and we always find ourselves shouting "gog" at everything. He is so serious when he says/shouts it. I wish I knew what he was really trying to say.

He says "dada" all the time but I'm still waiting for mama. He'll say it on occasion, but it's nothing like the ways he calls for his daddy. Sometimes he even just yells "DAD!". He also says "ni-night" when he's going to bed. It's beyond adorable! He's very attached to his blanket and insists on holding it while he nurses and sleeps. While he was boobing today he kept feeling around for it and couldn't get a grasp. He unlatched, looked at me with the most pitiful face and whined "ni-night". I about died of cuteness overload! He's even put the two phrases together a handful of times and said "ni-night dada". I love our night time's one of the highlights of my day. We go around and he kisses everyone and says his goodnights. I lay him down, cover him up, and he smacks his lips until I kiss him!


On the sleeping note I am very jealous of his cuddles with daddy. He rarely cuddles with me these days. It appears that those are all reserved for Levi. For some reason both of the boys prefer to be nuzzled up next to their daddy. I shouldn't complain least I get to witness all the love!

Lucas and I call him our little Mohawk Man! I can't believe how much hair he has already. After we rub him down with lotion we run a tad over his scalp. Doubles as a perfect gel!

I love love love this boy! He's so happy, smart, energetic, and attentive. So excited for him to explore the Alaskan outdoors this summer. Our backyard make-over is in effect. Time to build more structures for this wild one!

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