Sunday, July 10, 2011

My first roast!

I am not a huge fan of cooking, by any means. I don't mind preparing a meal, but I'm never truly excited to do so. Nor am I creative when it comes to spices and seasoning. More often than not, I avoid cooking dinner until its too late and I get frustrated when my boys don't really eat much. The funny thing is, I own a crock pot, yet I can probably count the number of times its been used on a single hand. My new plan is to start using it more often so that I'm not deciding what to make for dinner right before its time to eat. What's better than throwing together a few ingredients in the morning and having your meal completely done (without any effort!) right on time?!

The few times I've used my crock pot were cheater recipes. I've purchased the pre-made frozen meals that you just toss in, and I've made a super simple Italian chicken dinner. During our recent trip to Sam's Club Levi tossed a roast into the cart and I just looked at him like he was crazy. What the heck was I suppose to do with this??

So I was determined to make my very first homemade roast. I didn't put much thought into it until the morning of, so I was scrambling around the kitchen searching for ingredients to add. Lucky for me I had a bag of potatoes, some baby carrots, onions, and some random seasonings.

Lucas was such a big help! He pulled up a chair and literally helped me every step of the way. He loved the bag of potatoes and laughed so much at the purple ones! He probably would have carried them around and played with them all day if I let him.

Then he added all of the cut up potatoes and the baby carrots to the pot!

I tossed on some seasonings, added a bit of water, and it was now ready to cook for the next six hours. What a piece of cake! Someone please tell me why I havn't jumped on the crock pot wagon sooner? This is so easy.

I must add that it turned out pretty darn delicious! Levi's grandpa stopped by unexpectedly for the evening and he said it was really good too...although he could have just been saying that to be nice! Levi ended up working super late and it may have cooked just a little too long. It was a tad dry, but nothing a little salt couldn't fix!

This didn't give me the inspiration to cook more, but I'm proud of myself for the way it turned out. Lucas really enjoyed helping me and the experience with him was well worth it. If I have to get him involved to muster up some cooking inspiration...then so be it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE my crockpot!!!