Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Full Term!

Today I turned 37 weeks. If you don’t know what that means...we finally have ourselves a FULL TERM baby! Although my due date is still 3 weeks from today, he is now safe to come at any time! And if you know anything about birth, babies truly come on their own schedule.

Oh my.

Am I really ready to have a newborn again?!

I’m definitely excited, but I’m also filled with so many mixed emotions. We decided that we are going to stick with two kiddos…for now. I really want to focus on school and we decided to re-evaluate the baby talk after I get my Masters in Midwifery. A huge part of me feels that Levi wants to stick with just the two boys, but I don’t truly feel done. Everyone says when you’ll know when you reach your maximum child limit and I honestly don’t feel like 2 is enough. For now, yes, but who’s to say I won’t be craving another baby 5 years down the road?? It’s a bittersweet feeling. I am so uncomfortable and ready to be done with this pregnancy, but also want to soak it in just in case it is my last. Ugh.

But I don’t want to relish too much on the what-ifs and the what-abouts. Truth is, my baby could be here any day! We are about to be a family of four and Lucas is about to be a big brother. Amazing!

I celebrated today by getting my first prenatal massage. Well truth is, it was my very first professional massage. Ever. I have truly been missing out!

I am so anxious to see which day he chooses as his birthday! It’s an important date that we’ll celebrate for the rest of his life, so I hope he’s not taking this decision lightly!

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