Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ricki Lake is coming to Alaska!

Any birth junkie such as myself loves Ricki Lake. How could you not?

The first time I saw the documentary, The Business of Being Born, I was so inspired and drawn to making a difference in the birthing world. I knew this was my calling so I made the decision to become a Birth Doula, and decided to go for my Masters in Midwifery after I finish up nursing school. Ricki worked with filmmaker Abby Epstein to explore the maternity care system here in America and they followed around several expecting couples as they explored their options. It is a powerful, must-see film for women everywhere. She has the same philosophy as I do on’s a natural and miraculous rite of passage.

I can’t say that this film is what inspired me to have a home birth, but it certain reaffirmed my reasons. I feel that maternity care is far too medicalized these days and women are pushed into a circle of medications and interventions that are at many times, unnecessary. I whole heartedly believe in the strength and power of a woman’s body and trust that it knows exactly what is needed to birth a baby. Although I am not a total crunchy mom who hates hospitals, I do feel that their approach looks after the interests of the hospitals themselves, and not the laboring woman. I am thankful that we live in a modernized time with the equipment and knowledge to handle complications should they arise, but I believe we shouldn’t jump for help when help is not needed.

After the original documentary, the film crew felt that some people were left with more questions and a greater thirst for knowledge. Their desire to get the community to question their options and review all alternatives sparked their decision to create a second film, More Business of Being Born, which is scheduled to release in October of this year.

The original film was funded entirely by the staff and unfortunately they didn’t even come close to making their money back. But that didn't matter because they were truly passionate about their desire to educate. So this time around, they decided to ask the community for help. A site was created to help them reach their goal of $100,000 in order to make this next film a success. Incentives were given to backers willing to pledge and the project quickly exceeded its goal!

Dr. Elrod, a local Obstetrician/Gynecologist in the valley, pledged $10,000 and received one heck of an incentive. Ricki and Abby have to decided to fly to Alaska to host a private screening of the new film! As a member of the Alaska Birth Network, I was invited to this screening and couldn’t wait to RSVP!

So assuming I’m not in labor myself, I will be attending this sneak preview hosted by none other than Ricki and Dr. Elrod! It is a free event open to the public and will be held at the Wasilla Alaska Club at 6:00p.m. on August 20th. I am beyond excited not only to meet Ricki and hear her speak, but to watch this highly anticipated documentary that I'm sure is going to make a huge impact on birthing mothers everywhere.

Fingers crossed my little munchkin comes either before, or after, this screening because this is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity that I do not want to miss! But then again, considering everyone attending is as passionate about childbirth as myself, I’m sure they wouldn’t oppose if I had my baby there, right?! Wouldn’t that make for an interesting birth story!


Samantha said...

oooooh man!! I so want to come!! That's a Sunday, right? That's the last day my mom is here and she is SO not into birth like I am, so I'm not sure I can convince her to come.. ahhh I will have to think about this. how awesome!

Samantha said...
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