Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from the Cecils!

We were so blessed to be able to spend the holidays in California with my family (first time in 5 years!) Even though I haven't been home for Christmas in years, I fell back into our family traditions with such ease. Not only was this baby Levin's very first Christmas, but Lucas and my youngest brother Cameron (who are absolutely inseparable) got to enjoy the holiday together.

We opened presents, had a big family breakfast, enjoyed each others company, had a delicious Christmas feast, and ended the night watching home movies of us when we were little! Talk about a blast from the past...and some incriminating stuff!

We also got to celebrate a 'Friends Christmas Party' a few days prior with all of our friends and their newly expanding families. It was so amazing to see everyone all grown up, and watching all of our children interact together. It's crazy how much things change in a few short years.

Everything was priceless.

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