Monday, January 30, 2012

Mommy-Levin weekend!

Levi and Lucas headed out of town for a few days, so that left me and baby all alone! I was a little sad to not be going with them, but staying in a quiet house for a few days sounded like pure bliss to me.

I got to spend nearly three whole years giving Lucas my undivided attention, and it sometimes makes me sad that Levin doesn't get that same luxury. Granted, he does get a larger percent of my attention these days because of his young/helpless state, but it's definitely not the same. Lucas and I had years to bond and I sometimes wish that Levin and I could have that same opportunity. Not to say that we haven't bonded, it's just a different relationship with the second baby due to time constraints and attention sharing.

So I really took advantage of our time together. We've had three entire days to ourselves and I made every attempt to love on him when I could. I only did school and housework when he was sleeping. (But don't let me fool you...I didn't even do near as much as I should have!) We stayed in our pj's, cuddled lots, and even slept in the rocking chair together one evening. I haven't done that in a long time! Geez, I'm starting to miss the newborn phase already. He's definitely growing into his own and becoming more independent by the day.

I miss Lucas, but I really enjoyed this special alone time with my littlest. It was a short reminder of how life used to be with just one!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I feel the same way about bonding with your 2nd baby. It is hard. I feel bad because I know Joshua hasn't got as much attention as Lucas did at this age. I try to spend 1:1 time with him when I can and he LOVES it!