Saturday, March 24, 2012

7 Months!

Seven months old and not much of a baby anymore. Since when did he get big enough to sit in the shopping carts?!

He's trying all sorts of new feats this month. I've witnessed him pull himself up a number of times and he's trying oh so hard to crawl. At a whopping 20+ pounds, it's definitely got to be a workout for those little arms. I have no doubt he'll get there soon, but I am in absolutely no rush this time around.

He rarely sleeps on me these days so I had to take advantage of his sick moment recently. He was so pitiful, but I really enjoyed the cuddles.

I have never met a baby that actually enjoys going to bed. There is no rocking him down these days, and even nursing down is becoming obsolete. When he gets sleepy and fussy all this boy wants is his bed! When we lay him down he gets so genuinely happy. After we cover him up, kiss him goodnight, and walk out, he may fuss for 30 seconds or so...if at all. He really prefers to just stare at the ceiling until he dozes off into dreamland. It is definitely much different of a process than we had with Lucas, but hey, it works! If he wants to act like a big boy and soothe himself to sleep, that only makes my life easier in the long run.

Now how many babies have you actually seen that look like this when it's bed time? Or even wake up this happy? Sometimes I wonder if he's really my child.

He's such a happy guy and loves to be involved in everything around him. Baths have become a fun night time activity and he loves to sit in baskets while his daddy and big brother push him all through the house.

He's also become quite the little eater! He loves his mum-mum crackers, drinking water from his sippy cup, and practicing his pincer grasp with small food items. This boy caught on fast! Anything to do with food...he's all over it!

He still loves to be worn in the ergo, too. Its no wonder why babywearing has been around since the beginning of time. It's impossible to get things done without it...especially when you have multiple children. Daddy wears him more often than me, but he's not partial. He just loves the closeness!

Sometimes his level of attentiveness and participation really does surprise me. He has been joining in on activities we do and trying hard to imitate. Lucas and I were singing him the itsy bitsy spider and it was only moments before he was trying to imitate our hand motions. Such a smart, smart, boy!

He is sure one cool cat! Couldn't imagine our lives without this handsome little fella!

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