Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Full term mamas!

Both of my November clients are officially full term! This means that I am now on-call and just waiting to be whisked away during their labors. I'm so excited to help welcome these two little boys into the world!

I had a lunch date with one of my clients and her husband the other day and the conversation that struck in the car with Lucas was too funny not to share. He asked where we were going and I mentioned he was going to meet a lady with a baby in her tummy, and that I was going to go and help her when he was ready to come out.

L: "But mom, you're not a doctor"
Me: "I know, but I'm still going to help her. Do you remember when Levin was ready to come out and we called Shine?"
L: "Yeah. But why do you want to be a midwife?"
Me: "Because I love babies and I want to be there when they decide to come out."
L: "But we already have a baby"
Me: "I know, these babies aren't going to be ours. I'm just helping their mommies"
L: "Oh, ok." (with an added sigh of relief)

So without coming out and saying it directly, it seems like Lucas is quite content with just Levin. As long as I don't bring these babies back home with me, I think I'll stay in his good graces. Silly child!

I'm somewhat anxious and nervous, yet calm and excited all at the same time. Both women are delivering at free standing birth centers and since they each have multiple children already, I half expect their labors to be quick and easy. And lucky for me, Levin gets to join.

I am one of those women that most hate and/or are envious of. I have amazingly easy and gentle labors that to me, are also enjoyable. Seriously, I would give birth a hundred times if I could! It's such an empowering experience and it makes me feel like I'm on top of the world.

I realize that my own personal experiences giving birth are not what the typical woman goes through. I feel somewhat hypocritical being a Doula myself because I never wanted, nor did I feel like I needed, any labor support. I hope that I don't go into future births blindsided by any drastic differences in our experiences. I don't fear that my support will pale because of this, but I sure hope that my expectations are not higher than they should be.

I've heard from plenty of Doulas that every birth is unique. Each experience allows them to learn something new and they continue to gain new insight. I am so excited to experience these first two certifying births of mine and witness the miracle of life unfold before my eyes!

1 comment:

Jacquie said...

Good luck Crystal! I'm sure it will be an amazing experience. And Levin gets to join? How so? Well congrats on this and on being such a good mom, I'm sure you will get your vacation soon!