Saturday, December 18, 2010

Boys will be boys

I know I've said this a million times, but I am so thankful that my first born child was a boy! Everything about this kid cracks me up and it amazes me how much of a true boy he really is. My house is stuffed full of trains, cars, trucks, planes, balls, and dinosaurs! He loves to pretend he's a wild and viscous animal who lurks around and scares mama. Play time with Lucas is always a blast!

Along with the manly territory comes the unpleasant acts. I caught him sleeping on the couch and had to snap a picture as he was waking up (hence the large yawn!) Seriously, do all men HAVE to sleep with their hands down their pants?

He's also a fan of farting and the biggest booger picker that I know. No matter what I do, I can't seem to keep this kids fingers out of his nose. I do however find it very interesting that the diameter of your finger is perfectly proportionate to that of your nostril. Did you just try and check for yourself?? =)

He's even taken an interest in breast lately. I stopped nursing after he turned a year and he seemed to have forgotten all about them. There have been quite a few instances lately where he has grabbed mine and said "boobies!" We have been singing a lot of songs together and one afternoon his creativity took hold. He busted into song and sang "BOOOOBIES! BOOBIEEES! BOOBIES!" Then he stopped, turned to me and asked, "You like that song?" How could I not crack up?!

Life is so interesting living with a toddler, but even more so with a little man. He is very sweet, polite, and well mannered, but I see so much more of a man in him every day. It's all fun and games now but I'm sure I'll be saying something totally different when the teenage years come rolling around!


amanda coen said...

hahah that is so funny! i had to stop nursing avery when we found out she had was very sudden and ....painful. she seems to be adjusting well except she always grabs my breast and says with a smile...boobies? i dont even know where she learned the word lol. she know she cant nurse on them but she is always wanting to lay on them and kiss them. i guess she still finds them comforting :)

Anonymous said...

Love to help him feel special