On Tuesday, August 23rd, I was woken up at 1:50 in the morning to a very strong contraction. I realized that I was starving (as usual) so I decided to get up and grab a bite to eat. This had been my nightly routine for a few weeks now, so I didn’t think too much of it. I went and laid back in bed afterwards, but had a really difficult time actually falling back to sleep. No surprise there. At 2:40 my insanely squished bladder couldn’t handle it any more so I got up once again to pee. As any pregnant woman knows, night trips to the bathroom come in great numbers. But for some reason, I had this really strong feeling that I should turn on the bathroom light. Without my contacts in my eyes are ultra sensitive to the brightness, but I couldn’t shake this feeling and did it anyways. What do you know...I had my bloody show! If I hadn’t of happen to look down at the toilet paper, I honestly never would have known. Talk about a mother’s intuition right there!
I went in and woke Levi up to let him know that baby day had finally come! I told him to rest up and that he most likely wasn’t going to be able to go to work that day.
I woke again at 6:30 from another strong one and that immediately put my mind in baby mode. It was definitely baby day! I tried to go back to sleep but the anticipation was really starting to grow. I knew that I needed to be up in an hour or so to get Lucas ready for his first day of preschool, so I just laid in bed watching him sleep. I couldn’t believe this was going to be the last morning he would wake up as a single child!
Lucas woke up right when he needed to and the two of us had some special time together in bed before starting our day. We talked all about going to preschool and I tried to emphasize on all the fun he was going to have and all the new friends he was going to make. We got up, ate breakfast, and started getting ready. At this point, I was having contractions every 20-25 min and they were definitely increasing in strength. I told Levi to go ahead and go to work, but to keep his phone on him. I honestly wasn’t sure how long I was going to make it at school. As we were getting ready to walk out the door I was struck once again by a very strong contraction. This one caused me to grab onto the counter top to ride it out. I had questioned to myself if I was really in my right mind taking Lucas, but decided that I was able to bear through the pain well enough to not let it affect his big day. Levi took one look at me and said “nope, you’re staying here. I’m going to take him.” Although I knew that was probably best, because HE said it, I naturally argued back. I was determined to go and nothing was going to stop me. Not labor, and certainly not my husband!
I stopped at the gas station shortly after leaving my house and had another strong one. I figured I could time it perfectly between sets, so we made our way to the school. Sure enough, shortly after pulling into the parking lot I had another. I was pretty impressed with myself!
We got to Lucas’ school at 9:30 and shortly after 11:00 they started getting more frequent. I called my midwife to let her know she needed to start getting ready to head over, and I attempted to persuade Lucas to let us leave. He was having far too much fun and told me that he didn’t want to go, of course.
By 11:40 they were now exactly 10 minutes apart and I knew that I really needed to get home. The other parents couldn’t believe that I was there in the first place, but I was handling myself wonderfully. Yes, maybe I was out of my mind. But the way I saw it, my body just needed to labor. Why sit at home when I could occupy my attention elsewhere? Allowing myself to continue walking and to stay active was a way to help my baby descend down to where he needed to be. I was truly enjoying myself there in his classroom and watching my son experience such a big milestone in his life was absolutely priceless to me. And just as I was the first time around, I was completely comfortable being in labor. Yes, it hurt, but I knew that each contraction was only bringing me closer to my baby. That mindset was all I needed to get me through the day.
I felt a really strong one coming on so I stepped into the hallway where no one could see me nearly collapse into the hand rail. Levi happened to call me at that very moment to tell me he was heading home and after I was able to speak again, I agreed that I needed to do the same. I grabbed Lucas and we headed out.
Once again, I timed our departure around my contractions. As I’m sitting here typing this I can’t help but realize exactly how crazy I was, but I never felt that I was putting myself in danger. Sure enough, exactly 10 minutes later I was struck again. I was going to pull off into a gas station as I was watching the clock, but I got lucky with a nice long red light. Fate was definitely working in my favor.
We pulled up to the house at about 12:15 and I told Lucas that we needed to hurry and get inside. Daddy was already setting up the pool and Lucas instantly became infatuated with the whole event. We told him that the baby was getting ready to come out very soon and that we needed to get everything ready. He was so comical and thought that the jets on the tub were just the most fascinating thing. I instantly knew that having him present was the right decision for us.
I started moving about the house like a mad woman trying to tidy up and prep. In a short matter of time, they went from ten minutes apart to between five and six... and then quickly to three. I couldn’t believe how fast things were happening! I looked at Levi and told him he really needed to get a move on filling that tub. We were running out of time!
Things intensified so quickly and since I got the greatest relief from being on all fours, I spent the next 30 minutes laboring in the middle of the living room. They were very intense, but I still remained focused on everything that was going on around me. Namely, Lucas. Levi was busy filling up the pool and he kept insisting that I get in. But at this particular time, I was content just where I was.
I knew I was in the middle of transition based on the short break between contractions and the nauseous feeling that was coming over me. I asked Levi for a puke bucket, but it was thankfully never put to use. All of a sudden, without warning, my water broke at 1:34. I was still down on all fours and I instinctively tried to cup it in my hands. I told Levi what had happened at he ran for some towels. All I could think was “I can’t believe this just happened on my new carpet!!” haha. Levi and I kept laughing about it and I told him that Shine, our midwife, needed to get here NOW! I could tell I was nearly ready to pop out this baby! So he called her and she was only ten minutes away. Hubs said “make it 5!”
Shine walked in shortly after 1:45 and immediately started prepping all of her supplies. I glanced up momentarily and saw her checking the oxygen tank, rifling through her bag and explaining to Levi what all the different instruments were. Lucas was pretty happy to see her and started telling her about the pool!
I continued to labor on the floor for a tad while longer. I never seemed to have relief long enough to actually stand up and get in, so I just continued on where I was. I knew that I really wanted to get into the water eventually but I started to think I wasn’t going to be able to on my own. Shine came over to listen to the baby’s heartbeat for a moment and I told her that the contractions were now 2 minutes apart. She told me that everything was fine and to pay no attention to the timing. I immediately felt comforted by her presence and decided to let go and entirely surrender myself to this process. I was never stressed or fearful up to this point, but having her present with us put me in the comfort zone that I needed. I was no longer watching the clock wondering if she was going to make it. I knew everyone was in safe hands.
Levi sat down next to me and asked what he could do to help. I leaned my head onto his knee and told him “nothing, just be here for me.” I knew there was nothing he could do. This was really just something that I needed to do on my own. After a few more contractions I told him that I was ready to get in the water. I took off my already soaked shorts and he slowly helped me step inside. The water wasn’t as warm as it should have been and honestly, the tub was only about 1/3 of the way full. Like I said, it all happened so fast!
As soon as Levi and I were in the water, Lucas yelled to Shine that he needed to pee and he asked for help with his pants. This made me smile and laugh. Lucas has always taken well to Shine and I was happy that he didn’t insist on daddy getting out to help him. Afterwards he came prancing out of the bathroom and asked, “Shine, will you help me take off my clothes and put them in my laundry basket? I wanna get into the water, too!” Levi and I both chuckled and said she could go for it. We had decided to let Lucas do whatever he was most comfortable with and had no problem with him joining us. This was a family event after all, right?!
I only labored in the pool for a short while before I knew it was nearly push time. Levi and Lucas rubbed my back for a few minutes while I worked through each contraction.
Just as every laboring woman dreads, your body usually has a bowel movement in the heat of the moment. Shine calmly grabbed a net and scooped it up, but this sure caught Lucas’ attention. He blurted out that there was more poop and that Shine needed to come grab this one too. All I could do was laugh! Doctors and midwives try to be very discrete and remove the waste without comment, but a two and a half year old sure likes to point everything out! Shine joked to him that it was in her job description and I told Lucas that she was a professional poop catcher! Everybody laughed. Lucas had now assigned himself poop duty and made it clear that he was looking out for more.
There is a lovely point once you finish transition and are fully dilated where your body allows you a much needed break. I was contraction free for a few minutes and really soaked in this time to relax. Lucas was having an absolute blast in the water and Levi was being fantastic at keeping him entertained. At this point I didn’t want to be touched...at all. So, the boys kept their distance behind me. Leaning onto the side of the pool was so comforting and relaxing that I didn’t move from that position. Not that I thought about it at the time either, but it did keep Lucas from direct eye-shot too.
That urge to push became so overwhelming at this time. I didn’t resist it, but I didn’t necessarily push either. I decided to let the contractions do the work and let my body naturally push baby down. Many women tear from a pre-mature urge to push and I didn’t want that to happen. I can’t remember exactly what was said from Lucas, but he made me laugh so hard that I naturally beared down. It was exactly what needed to happen because he crowned at that point! And oh my goodness did it burn!! They are not joking when they reference to it as the ring of fire...ouch! Shine told me to reach down and feel my baby and to really take it slow getting him out. I relaxed and let him sit there for a moment and he even came back inside me a bit. With the next contraction and a slight effort on my part, the head was out. Again, I took it slow and waited for my body to do the rest. One last contraction and his body followed! Levi, who had been directly behind me, grabbed him from the back and pushed him forward into my hands. I then pulled him up out of the water! We unwrapped the cord and I pulled him tightly to my skin.
I was half laughing, half tearing up and then I heard Lucas let out a tiny little gasp. His eyes lit up as he realized that the baby was now here!
We were all so ecstatic. Our baby boy was perfect!
We sat there in a daze just admiring this little beauty of ours. Lucas loved his little feet and kept trying to tickle them!
Baby latched onto my breast and began nursing right away. Absolute perfection! Lucas announced that he now needed to poop so we asked for Shine to grab him a towel. Daddy lifted him out of the water and Shine followed him to the bathroom. Levi and I sat there together in awe over our baby and the events that just unfolded. We laughed about how fast everything happened and at how crazy the timing was. I walked in the door about 12:15 and had a baby in my arms by 2:32. Who does that?! Heck, our midwife wasn’t even at our home for an hour before he made his debut. That was definitely one close call.
Shine came back out to check on us and to help me expel the placenta. After pushing a baby out of your hoo-ha, a flexible glob of tissue is a piece of cake! She collected it into a bowl and asked if the cord was still pulsating. We had decided to delay the cutting of the cord until after the placenta was out, and it was now time to cut. Lucas had been saying for months that he wanted to be the one to cut it so we yelled for him to hurry. From the bathroom he yelled back, “I’m not done pooping! It’s okay, you just cut it!” We all laughed and I yelled back that we would just wait for him to finish. Everything this child was saying just brought so much laughter into the room. It was priceless.
While waiting for Lucas, the unexpected happened. Our dog Rori, who had been peeking over the side of the pool trying to catch a glimpse of baby, decided to jump into the water. YIKES! I pulled baby up so that she didn’t scratch him and we all were in complete shock! Levi jumped up and grabbed her while Shine swooped her out with a towel. We were all laughing so hard and Shine said, “well, that’s definitely a first!” Leave it to my dog to join in on the family fun. Needless to say, she got a nice grooming the following day.
After Lucas finally came out of the bathroom he gave daddy permission to cut the cord. So, Levi clamped it and did just that.
The entire birth process was over and we were ready to get out of the water. Shine had prep’d my bed for me already and instructed us to dry off and head in that direction. I went in first and Levi took this time to properly introduce the boys to each other. Lucas is so happy to be a big brother!
After some wonderful bonding time, Shine brought back the placenta for us to examine. It was absolutely gorgeous! All of the proper parts were present and it was very healthy in appearance. We sat there and admired my baby’s little tree of life!
Now it was time to thoroughly examine baby and do his newborn assessment. He didn't really care for this part all that much. Shine gave daddy the tool used to weigh him and we put him inside. He was a whopping 8lbs 6oz! Big and healthy!
He measured in at 20.5in long...identical to what Lucas was. Levi had joked my entire pregnancy that Levin was going to be just like Lucas. I always snickered and told him that they’ll probably be total opposites, but he was adamant that they were going to practically be twins. What do you know? He was right! They were the exact same length and only one tiny ounce different in weight. But in all reality, since I nursed Levin prior to weighing, he was probably the exact same.
They even look similar. Levi pulled out my scrapbook from Lucas’ birth while we were lying in bed and the resemblance was astonishing. So, I let him have his 'I told you so' moment.
My exam went great too. No tears, and no need for sutures. Letting him come out as gently as I did truly paid off!
The entire experience was everything that I hoped for and more. The labor was short, the birth was natural and gentle, and my baby was as healthy as could be! I created, nurtured, birthed, and caught my own child...there’s nothing more magical than that!
I am so pleased that we decided on a home birth, but even happier that Lucas was present to experience this miraculous event. The day was full of excitement, love, and most of all, laughter! There was no hospital stay, no pushy people telling me how to care for my baby, and no visiting hours. Instead, I was free to relax in the comfort of my own home and spend amazing quality time with my newly expanded family.
We are now a happy little family of four and our home is filled with so much love! Levi and I are absolutely blessed to have such handsome little boys and we love watching Lucas interact with his new baby brother. This is going to be another amazing journey in our lives!
After the events of this day, I have no fear when it comes to juggling my boys and giving them the individualized attention that they deserve. This was a huge day for both of my children and I managed to treat it as such. There was no way this mama was missing her oldest son’s first day of school, nor did I let my birth experience fall beneath my expectations. It was kind of fitting that our new baby was born on the exact date that our oldest officially became a 'big kid'. It was an absolute perfect day and I truly felt like a super mom!
Instead of uploading a million pictures, I've created a mini-video for your viewing pleasure! This is just a rough draft I created in 15 minutes, but I wanted to get something up. Eventually I'll go back and set it to music and add text throughout.
Now this is what life is truly about!!
This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing such intimate moments. Truly inspiring and full of so much love. I admire the blessing on your Family.
oh my goodness crystal!!! i am literally reading this and crying!!!!!! it is such a beautiful story. i am so happy for your family and can i just say you are inspiring. i'll write more later....im blubbering like a baby!
You are a such a beautiful hippie, lol. I love it. This is seriously the most beautiful birthing story I have heard in my life. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. The pictures are amazing and the whole thing looks like a truly blessed experience.
Thank you so much for sharing this in the detail that you did. I plan to use some of your technique in my own labor/delivery come November.
I am so happy for you that it went so well and congrats again on such an amazing and beautiful family.
That may just have been the best birth story I have ever heard. Thank you so much for sharing this.
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