I figured that I should document that journey that we took together before I have two birth stories to share!
As my pregnancy began, I thought it was truly going to be the end of me. I was so overwhelmed with morning sickness that simply getting out of bed was a nearly impossible task. I was still working at the time and was very thankful to be around so many supportive people. I always had a toothbrush and toothpaste on hand because during those first few months, I vomited nearly every single hour of the day. I immediately lost 10 lbs and was on the verge of severe dehydration. I was prescribed anti-nausea medication which I tried to only take when I absolutely needed to because once it was in my body, I was comatose.
Things starting looking up when my morning sickness subsided around 14 weeks. I slowly starting gaining weight and my energy levels were unbelievable. It was summer time here in Alaska and you couldn't keep me off the trails!

We found out at 17w5d that we were expecting a boy...and boy we were excited! We were both nervous and somewhat frightened of having a girl. We were told that he looked healthy as could be and was growing right on track!

I had an appointment with my midwife just two days before I had gone into labor. She was in awe over how well my body was handing a full term baby and shocked that I wasn't the slightest bit swollen. Here I was with this gigantic belly being balanced on skinny little chicken legs...and they didn't even puff up at the slightest. She said all was well and estimated baby to be roughly 7-7.5 lbs.

I labored peacefully on the couch while Levi rested some more and I told my mom that this was definitely going to be the big day! The morning went by really fast and I never felt overwhelmed by the pain, so I decided to stay home as long as I possibly could.
The neurotic nesting truly came out at this time! I was so relaxed and comfortable with being in labor that I sent Levi away to run errands. Here I was in active stage labor, and my husband was making a trip to the bank and the store. It's so funny to think about it now, but I was just so content with my body doing what it needed to do.
After he returned home the contractions were nearly 4-5 minutes apart so we decided to head to the hospital.

Once in the room I hit transition and the contractions got very strong and more frequent. I was asked if I wanted any pain meds, but I refused. I'd made it this far...what's a few more centimeters? I remember getting very nauseous at this point and it wasn't long before they had to retrieve a puke bucket for me. Transition was NOT fun, but thankfully it didn't last long.

I asked my nurse what the average push time for a first time mother was and he estimated about 2 hrs. WHAT?! That must have been all the incentive that I needed because I pushed Lucas out in 25 minutes flat. Seriously. I remember having a bit of difficulties pushing at first because I kept wanting to push my legs away from my body instead of pulling them closer, but I finally got the hang of it. At one point I was given an oxygen mask because both baby and I need it. That final push was emotionally overwhelming as my baby boy came out and joined us in the world. The placed him on my chest and it was love at first site. Levi and I were both teary eyes and emotional and it completely hit us...we we're now parents!

He was big, healthy, and absolutely perfect! Our lives were forever changed!

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