Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekend of Sickness

This weekend wasn’t at all what I had hoped for. Friday afternoon, after feeling nauseous all morning, I got awfully sick and began vomiting. I was weak, hot, and miserable. Vomiting while 9 months pregnant is by far the most uncomfortable thing your body will endure while sick. My abs hurt and the vomiting motions made my Braxton Hicks contractions kicks into over drive. Needless to say, it was a miserable day.

I had got to bed early and when I got up Saturday morning I was feeling a tad better. I ate breakfast, studied a bit, and tidied up the living room. Lucas ended up sleeping until 9:30, so I knew something must be off with him as well. I decided to head back to bed after cuddling with him for an hour and I woke again close to noon. I was certain that Lucas wasn’t going to nap that day considering he woke up so early, but he had passed out on the couch by 1.

Then everything turned for the worse. When he woke up you could see in his eyes how miserable he felt. He was very warm to the touch and didn’t want to move for anything. I stripped him down and he ended up staying on the couch for hours, only getting down once to pee.

As the evening approached I could tell he was running a really high fever. I grabbed the thermometer and nearly chocked when it read 102. Daddy gave him a dose of Tylenol and within minutes he was vomiting everywhere. So much for our new carpet. We made him a little spot on the floor and he remained there for the rest of the night. He didn’t fall asleep until 10:30, but I was able to get him to eat a banana, a cereal bar, and get some liquids down him before he dozed off. This was the first that he had eaten all day so I saw it as a great sign.

He woke up at 2 and crawled into bed with us. At this point his temperature had increased to 103 so I gave him some more Tylenol and placed a fan on him. I didn’t get much sleep because I was so concerned for him, but he slept until 6:30. Thankfully his temperature had dropped down to 100 when he woke in the morning! Daddy got up with him and they cuddled up together until I caught up on some sleep myself.

He hasn’t vomited any more today, but he has sure been miserable. He hasn’t really wanted much to do with me (which breaks my heart) so thankfully daddy is here to help. He has been very whinny, sensitive, and far too emotional. He’s taken most of his sadness out on the poor dogs. He cried that Rori jumped into our bed last night, complained that Ace woke him up because he growled, and whined that the dogs were going to get dog hair on his blankets. It’s been kind of funny to listen to, but he’s so upset and serious about their mere presence today. So, he’s spent most of the day cuddled with daddy watching the X Games and Shark Week.

During his nap he began sobbing in his sleep and didn’t even open his eyes. I tried to console him, but he kept crying that he wanted his daddy. Within seconds of daddy walking in the room and placing his hand on him, he stopped. I think he had a harder time with daddy’s California trip than we thought.

Needless to say, it’s been a really long and exhausting day. Hopefully we can all get some good rest tonight and have a nice mellow Monday. I just finished both of my finals this weekend and Friday was my last day of daycare. So come Monday…we are free to RELAX as much as we can before this baby arrives!

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