We waited until the holidays to share our exciting news and I would now like to share it with the world: Baby Cecil #2 is in the making!! As of Christmas day, I am 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant...due August 24th, 2011! This was the greatest Christmas present that my husband could have given me and I feel absolute blessed to experience such a beautiful and life changing event once again.
We announced the surprise to Levi's Grandparents, Aunt, & Uncle's family on Christmas Eve during a game of pictionary! Levi's little cousin Audrey immediately chased me into the kitchen to ask if it was going to be a boy or a girl. Trust me...we can't wait to find out either!
As for the moms, I wanted to do something special. I called my mom a few minutes after finding out I was pregnant with Lucas and I knew she expected me to do the same this time around as well. Instead, I printed out the above photo and made a cute little card that was titled Big Brother! Knowing that she would suspect something if I asked her to wait until Christmas to open it, I mailed it to a close friend of hers who snuck it under her tree. Needless to say...she was surprised! She had absolutely no idea (partly because I lied when she asked me the week prior) but I wish I could have been there to see her reaction! (And tears from what I hear).
I made the same card for Levi's mother, who I also had to lie to a week and a half ago when she asked. As we were loading up to head home after our delicious Christmas dinner, Lucas handed her the card and said "Open it! Open it!". She starred at the card for a few seconds with a very confused look until it clicked! She had the most shocked expression on her face and I think it was absolutely priceless! She definitely didn't expect it.
When we originally tested this month, I received a false negative. I had such a difficult time accepting the disappointing news because I was so certain that I was pregnant. When my period never came, I couldn't even bring myself to re-test for fear of another negative. But on Dec. 16th I eventually got the courage and so happy I did because I finally got to see those two lines staring back at me! When I went in for my proof of pregnancy, my test was barely visible as a positive. Apparently I drink far too much water...my urine is almost as diluted as can be!
I am so proud that I was able to keep this a secret from my family and surprise them all in the manner that we did! It was definitely hard to keep quiet, but it made it so much more exciting this way. I think we'll have to do something equally as surprising when we find out the sex!
Congratulations, Crystal!! :) I am so happy for you guys!
Sara Hodge
Crystal!!! You sneaky thing you!! I am so happy ad what a great way to tell us!! I don't know how you waited so long!!
I am so happy for you guys. Congrats momma. YOu deserve all the joy and blessing God can possibly bestow upon you! Keep us informed and CONGRATULATIONS.
Cody said to tell you Congratulations and he's super jealous. LOL
Yay!!! Im so happy for you!! :)
So happy for you guys... i cant believe i was just writing you less than a month ago about not worrying and it will happen when it happens and now look at us... we are both prego and our babies will be due close to the same date... May God bless you and your family and Congratulations again :)
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