Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fetus Viability

This week marks a very important part in my pregnancy. At 24 weeks, a fetus is said to be able to survive outside of the womb, with extensive medical intervention of course. These next few weeks truly make the difference between life and death in an emergency situation. 20-30% of babies born at 23 weeks will survive, while 50-70% can survive if born at 24 or 25 weeks. And an astonishing 90% of babies born at 26 to 27 weeks survive given the proper care.

This is not to say I want my son making his debut any time soon, but it is reassuring to know that he stands a fighting chance if he did. The first weeks of pregnancy are emotional, and reaching the 12 week point where the risk of miscarriage significantly drops down is such a relief. This is that feeling all over again.

My son is so unbelievably active already and is developing wonderfully! I love taking time out of my busy day to just hold my belly. I feel as if I can play with him already...he sure loves to kick me back when I try to poke him! The whole concept of creating a new life never seizes to amaze me and I thank God every day for being able to do this all over again.

24 weeks also marks the start of month 6! I can't believe how unprepared I am for this little guy. By six months I had nearly everything prepped and ready to go for Lucas. I have honestly not done a single thing for this baby. It's amazing how different your priorities are the second time around, and how drastically your excitement levels drop off. I suppose knowing what to expect really changes your perspective on things. I'm a procrastinator in every other aspect of my life, so I guess planning for this second baby should be no exception :)

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