Thursday, May 19, 2011

Great Grandma, Reba!

My Great Grandmother passed away on October 20, 2007...a day that I will always remember. Losing her was difficult for everyone in my family and I sometimes wonder how life goes on without her. She was such an amazing woman with a pure heart of gold. So many of my childhood memories revolve around her and it breaks my heart that my children will never have the opportunity to know her as I did.

I mentioned before that Mother's Day was extra special this year because I actually got to spend it with my family. But what I didn't tell you was that I was surprised with something entirely unexpected.

My Grandmother handed me the card that she had gotten me for Mother's Day and then handed me a small stack of handmade cards with a very delicate look on her face. I immediately recognized the handwriting on the envelopes as my Great Grandmothers and stood in shock for a moment. Apparently my Grandma had found these cards addressed to me in my Great Grandma's belongings. I was almost too nervous to open them, but the excitement of holding something that she intended for me to have was somewhat overwhelming.

I was taken back by so many emotions and couldn't keep the tears from flowing. I was reminded just how much I miss her and how special she always made me feel. I immediately flew home when her health declined, but her ceremony was not held until after I had already departed. I have always felt guilty for not being able to attend her funeral, so I took advantage of this recent trip to visit her resting place and say my good byes. I feel like it was a form of closure that I never received, although I will never stop thinking of her and missing her as I do now.

There are so many subtle activities that I do in my current life that instantly bring back memories of her. I can never eat french bread without remembering our Sunday afternoon lunch tradition, or see a hummingbird without instantly being reminded of her. I love you Great Grandma and you will forever be in my heart. Thank you for being such a strong impact in my life and showing me the value of love. RIP

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